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Showing posts from August, 2009

Endless Enjoyment

I recently visited my sister and we took a trip to a quaint little town in the endless mountains of Pennsylvania. Some pics are below. It was a wonderful day with sunshine and laughter. I have many happy memories of time spent with Ginger that involve sunshine and laughter. We've had rain and tears too and no matter what, a day with Ginger is a day to cherish. We had such fun in the Endless Mountains this year that the enjoyment itself seemed endless. Note the pictures of the Tunkhannock Viaduct near the end. Theodore Dreiser, in his book Hoosier Holiday . wrote, "a thing colossal and impressive - those arches! How really beautiful they were. How symmetrically planned! And the smaller arches above, how delicate and lightsomely graceful! it is odd to stand in the presence of so great a thing in the making and realize that you are looking at one of the true wonders of the world." Source:

Day 8 of The Sleep Challenge

The bags under my eyes were so large that the cashier at the supermarket gave me a discount for bringing my own sacks. Not paper or plastic, but big ugly dark circles. I was cranky and out of sorts and sometimes even had difficulty concentrating. I knew what it was. I was following my own biological patterns. I had inherited my mother's nocturnal habits. My father used to say of her "Doesn't like to go to bed at night and doesn't like to get up in the morning". But I live in a world where everyone else is alert and alive in the a.m. so I decided to challenge myself to get as close as I can to 8 hours sleep per night for 30 days and see if it doesn't make a dramatic difference. Tonight will be the 8th night. I've done pretty well so far. I only had one evening where I had way too much to do and didn't make my personal curfew. I hope to do some before and after analysis, maybe even a before and after photo to see if I can see the difference. Me...