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Showing posts from September, 2018
Social Media Fast Day 1/2 I have been considering a social media fast.  Unbeknownst to me, someone I know was on a week long fast. She reported about how beneficial it was and I took that as a confirmation that this was the time for me. September 1 sneaked up on me and I had some commitments for posting some prayer requests, but once that was done, I uninstalled Facebook (my primary Social Media) form my phone. I can pretty well ignore Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn and the like but Facebook is my constant itch that I have to keep scratching. I came to the realization that I primarily use Facebook to feed my desire for approbation.  Don't we all want to be admired and respected?  Don't we often want to be right, to have a forum where others are agreeing with our brilliance?  LOL I'm guilty. I also realize the other downside of social media for me and that's all the political vitriol.  As much as I don't get sucked into it, as much as I scroll past...