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Showing posts from October, 2011

Ah, ah, Autumn!

I sometimes think that Autumn is the gentle mother that's sent in to comfort us after the loss of summer.  I'd love autumn more if I didn't know that old man winter was lurking in the corner ready to bring on cold, bleak days.  But I'm thinking this October that I prefer to live in the now and enjoy each Autumn day.  My senses come awake in autumn. Autumn is beautiful.  There's no doubt about it: Autumn is one of the most glorious seasons of the year. It is yellows and oranges and browns. It is pumpkins and colorful trees and majestic sunsets. It is bathed in golden glows.  Just type "autumn photo" into a Google search and be amazed at the beauty that has been captured by photographers.  Do the same with paintings.  Better yet, if it's light outside and you are in a region of the world that is in the fall season, go outside and look around. Even blight looks prettier in the fall.  My sister and I used to laugh about a junkyard that was visib...

Lessons I Learned While Sick

I recently had a pretty bad upper respiratory infection that knocked me out of normal commission for a few days. Here are some things I learned: There's a lot of junk online. There's a lot of good stuff online. It's easy to become one of those people on Facebook who hog your screen with  47 updates. It is true that you can have 120 channels and on demand and a dvr and still have nothing to watch on tv. Especially true for daytime television Coffee tastes horrible when you feel like crap but you better drink it anyway or you'll add a caffeine withdrawal headache to your woes. Sleep is underrated. When you feel like watermelons are growing in your throat it's hard to swallow. If you're prepared you will have non-expired medicines on hand and know where the thermometer is. You can make this sick thing your hobby but it would probably annoy the crap out of your friends and family. The work piles up when you don't work. So here's to good healt...

My Inspiration

Click on the play arrow below to watch a video I put together with some of my photos and some Bible scripture verses that inspire me.   Note: When the ads start to appear down the bottom of the photos, you can see an "X" in the corner of the ad box/banner.  Just click that X and they will go away. It makes for better viewing.  That said, YouTube is a free feature and I guess we should read the ads now and then.

The Heart of The Gospel Message

Good News! What is at the heart of the gospel message?      This question was recently asked by an online friend.   My first thought was John 3:16.   It’s a verse many of us learned as children, one we often take for granted. We hear it and we recite the words but seldom really think about it. Yet Luther referred to that very passage as “the Gospel in miniature”. A few years back I heard a decomposition of that verse. I thought it was a helpful way to give meaning to something we often just recite by rote. I’m not sure of its origin and I think there are a few variations but here the one I’m familiar with: For :   Because God :   The greatest lover So loved :   The greatest degree The world :   The greatest company That He gave :   The greatest act His only begotten Son :   The greatest gift That whosoever :   The greatest opportunity Believeth :   The greatest simplicity In Him :   The grea...