I sometimes think that Autumn is the gentle mother that's sent in to comfort us after the loss of summer. I'd love autumn more if I didn't know that old man winter was lurking in the corner ready to bring on cold, bleak days. But I'm thinking this October that I prefer to live in the now and enjoy each Autumn day. My senses come awake in autumn. Autumn is beautiful. There's no doubt about it: Autumn is one of the most glorious seasons of the year. It is yellows and oranges and browns. It is pumpkins and colorful trees and majestic sunsets. It is bathed in golden glows. Just type "autumn photo" into a Google search and be amazed at the beauty that has been captured by photographers. Do the same with paintings. Better yet, if it's light outside and you are in a region of the world that is in the fall season, go outside and look around. Even blight looks prettier in the fall. My sister and I used to laugh about a junkyard that was visib...
................Sharing my thoughts and shots and streams of God-consciousness