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Showing posts from September, 2011

How did this child of the 60's turn 60???

How did this child of the sixties turn 60? How did it happen that I got to sixty?  I'm grateful that I am here, of course.  I have a wonderful life and I know the greatness of God.  I live with many reminders of how I've been blessed with family and friends and health. I guess most everyone who ages has some similar take on this.  I like to think we Baby Boomers are unique because we were so unique back then.  We changed the world, right?  Or at least our world.  Our generation, after all, affected many changes in society. Some of them were good. Some of them were bad.  But we didn't just sit idly by or expect that our parents would hand us everything. In fact, things weren't as much of an issue for us. So now that I'm sixty I am asserting the right to speak like an old fogey.  I've seen those lists online of things that were true in the fifties and sixties so I'm adding a few of my own. Today we say "back in the day" but back in the day we sa